The Best Relationship Advice on Reddit for Every Stage of Your Love Story

Reddit relationship concept featuring the Reddit icon

Whether you’re stuck in a dating dilemma or marital problem, users on Reddit relationships problem pages are eager to help.


The subreddit started in 2013 and has become popular among registered Reddit users (aka Redditors). They use the forum to ask for help and dish out real relationship advice. These tips range from honest opinions to constructive criticism.

We decided to scour the subreddit for actionable advice that could save sinking (relation)ships.

What’s the best Reddit relationships advice on the website?

The best relationship tips on Reddit discuss the importance of effective communication in all stages of romance. Redditors also tell you how to hit it off on the first date and relationship red flags to avoid.

This article shares these insights in detail.

Let’s begin!

4 Relationship Tips on Reddit That You Should Consider

Our deep dive led us to the most viewed post on the subreddit. Hundreds of Redditors answer the question,  “What’s the best piece of relationship advice you have ever heard?”

The question was posted years ago, but the tips shared still hold. They apply to every type of romantic partnership in the present. You will find insights on first dates, relationship conflicts, and love languages.

We divided the advice into a Q & A style format to help you find tips related to your relationship status.

Let’s start scrolling!

Q.1 What’s the Best Dating Advice on Reddit Relationships?

Image Source: Reddit

One Reddit user reminds us of the importance of authenticity during a relationship. You need to be honest on the first date.


Otherwise, you’ll be stuck playing a part you made up to impress your date for the rest of the relationship. Eventually, you will get tired of this role and find it challenging to be your authentic self around your significant other.


It’s probably why many people break up with statements like, “you’re not the person I fell in love with when we started dating.”


How to Be Authentic During Your First Date?

Never hide behind a fake persona when you go out on a date. You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not to impress the other person.

Here are some dating tips to be real:

1.     Don’t agree with everything they say.

Healthy relationships are about couples who learn to agree to disagree on specific matters. It would help if you lay the foundation of such a companionship from the first date. It enables you to avoid compromising your interests later on in the date.

2. Choose comfort over style.

Dressing up for a date is fine. Yet, things can quickly go south when you arrive in a dress that makes you self-conscious. You won’t be able to carry on a conversation when you spend half the time adjusting your clothes.

Therefore, you should select an ensemble that brings out your real personality. These choices are far better than adopting a “cooler” persona by wearing trendy threads.

3.     Be real about your goals.

Some people seek casual relationships, while others are eager to be in a committed partnership. It’s wrong to pretend your goals match theirs when you have something else in mind.

In short, the lack of authenticity can only break their heart afterward.

Do you want more relationship tips on dating? The subreddit on dating may answer your burning questions about the first phase of romantic partnerships.

Q.2  How to Show Your Love Without Saying “I Love You”

Image Source: Reddit

As the saying goes, “actions are louder than words.”

The phrase “I love you” can become meaningless when meaningful gestures do not follow. A Reddit relationships commentator reminds us that these actions don’t have to be grand. Instead of expensive presents, shower your love with little reminders that show you care.

These things can be anything from post-it notes with sweet messages to running errands and cooking their favorite food. These are all acts of service and are one of five love languages introduced by Gary Chapman.

What Are Love Languages?

Love languages represent the different expressions of love. Understanding a significant other’s love language helps you form a better bond with them.

Chapman introduced five love languages.

They are as follows:

1.     Words of affirmation

Encouraging words, heartfelt confessions, and genuine compliments can brighten your partner’s day.

2.     Physical touch

Some people appreciate displays of affection like holding hands, cuddling, and a shoulder rub. These actions promote a feeling of togetherness and oneness.

3.     Quality time

Giving someone your undivided attention may mean more to some partners than over-the-top gestures or “I love you.” Attention here means listening attentively and taking time out to do something together.

Most importantly, it would help if you took a break from your phone to focus entirely on the other person's wants.

4.     Acts of service

The little actions you do for the other person count as acts of service.

5.     Gift-giving

Receiving gifts can be meaningful to some people. Unlike acts of service, these gestures are associated with tangible items. Like knitting a sweater, painting something, or purchasing actual presents. Once again, the thoughts behind the gifts count more than the cost.

Lastly, remember that partners can have different love languages. Knowing how your special someone communicates through their preferred form of expression is important. You should reciprocate and vice versa.

Q.3 What Do Redditors Say about Communication in Relationships?

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“Say what you mean,” that’s what relationships are about.


Do you guilt trip your partner into doing something you want? Do you drop hints instead of giving direct instructions?


These passive-aggressive tactics are “counterproductive,” says one Redditor. That’s because no matter how many years you spend with someone, you can’t always know what they're thinking. Nor do you know the real reason behind them forgetting to do something or not understanding what you’re trying to say.


Hence, you often feel frustrated when your partner doesn’t respond to your subtle hints.

How to Communicate Better with Your Partner?

Listen attentively to empathize with your partner. Understand their side of the story before commenting. Also, dedicate a few minutes to daily or weekly sessions where you have heart-to-heart discussions. These steps limit communication gaps.


Here are some things to remember about effective communication in relationships:


1.     Address minor grievances.

Bottling your annoyance and frustration can result in a massive blowout later. Hence, it would help if you talked it out instead of giving your partner the silent treatment. Faking happiness over small things isn’t a good idea either.


2.     Think before you speak.

Ensure everything you say holds meaning and adds to the conversation instead of belittling someone.


3.     Discuss the important stuff.

You should keep your better half in the loop when you're living together or married. Don’t make life-altering decisions without discussing the matter. For instance, you shouldn’t apply for jobs in another city before considering how a long-distance relationships will work.


Aside from this, schedule an unofficial weekly meeting with your partner. Discuss everything from chore lists, budget, and couple activities to your feelings. Having everything out in the open reduces the risk of dealing with unsolvable drama.

Q.4 How to Solve Relationship Conflicts?

Image Source: Reddit

Reddit relationships experts teach others to take an “us vs. them” approach during conflicts. The objective should be to come to a mutual agreement over the resolution. It’s better than considering each other as two opposing teams.

Another user pitches in by turning conflict resolution into a mathematical equation. 

Image Source: Reddit

How to Prevent Conflicts?

Effective communication is only part of the equation. You need to adopt a team mindset whenever you look at any problem. Stop keeping score and acting defensive when your significant other points out something. The bickering matches will fizzle out by themselves.


Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:


1.     Think before you speak to avoid hurting your partner. 

Shift focus on how you feel when you notice a conflict of interest. Tell them, “I get upset when you’re late,” instead of saying, “you’re always late.” This communication style proves more effective than playing the blame game.


2.     Set realistic partnership goals.

Many couples break up because one of them has unrealistic expectations. Remember that your partner isn’t superhuman. The work-life balance may be unstable because they have too much on their plate. Divide errands and chores equally to ensure you have quality time to unwind and bond after work.


3.     Take a break to cool off.

Not the infamous break that Ross and Rachel took, but a break nonetheless. Sometimes arguing over the same thing can prevent you from reaching a solution. You might also say things you don’t mean when you are angry.

Therefore, you should call a “time-out” when the fight gets too heated. Return to the conversation half an hour later or the next day. The main thing here is dealing with the conflict after processing your feelings logically.


If the conflicts escalate, ask for professional support. Couple counseling and therapy can do wonders during these situations.

Bonus Relationship Advice: Listen to Your Sixth Sense

Image Source: Reddit

Run away if your intuition tells you your potential or current partner isn't right. Red flags are there for a reason. It would help if you didn't ignore them in the hope of changing someone. Instead, look for someone that values and loves your companionship.


Q. What Are the Top Red Flags to Avoid in a Relationship?

The tell-tale signs of a toxic relationship can be identified by how this person behaves. They aren't suitable for you if they are dishonest, critical, and selfish. 


According to Insider, “Red Flags in a Relationship” are warning signs of a toxic partnership. You should consider breaking up with this person if they:


1.     Frequently lie

2.     They put you down in front of others and in private

3.     Gas light you by reframing your thoughts

4.     Aren’t ready to commit

5.     Never compromise

6.     Obsessively control your routine and relationships


Redditors advise you to break up before you’re left heartbroken.

Is Reddit Relationships the Right Forum for Love Advice?

Reddit relationships is a subreddit that focuses on love and companionship. You’ll find a mixed bag of advice on the active forum. Effective communication, authenticity, and understanding of love languages are some relationship tips that build your bond.


Learn to recognize genuine advice from hyper-negative comments. Also, remember that Redditors are not licensed advisors. You should seek professional support if you’re dealing with a toxic relationship or need mental health counseling.


So what do you think? Will you give Reddit relationships a try or take the traditional route? We leave you with “scenes from a modern romance” to make up your mind.


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