My Favorite Examples of Thought Leadership in 2022

thought leader

Thought leadership is a term that has gained massive popularity in recent years. However, we know a thought leader when we experience one, whether through their content or on a personal level. True thought leaders open the cells within our brain to encourage a new way of approaching a specific topic and invoke a sense of hope while motivating us to take action. In simple words, a thought leader is someone whose views on a subject are considered to be influential, authoritative, and extremely aspirational.

Some of my favorite examples of thought leadership in 2022 are:

1.     Brené Brown

2.     Arianna Huffington

3.     Salim Ismail

4.     Amanda Nguyen

5.     Seth Godin

6.     Malcolm Gladwell

7.     Jay Shetty

In this article, I discuss thought leadership and my favorite thought leaders. Here is everything you need to know.

The Premise: What Is Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership refers to the expression of ideas that indicate a person has expertise in a specific topic, field, or area. Several business leaders and executives aim to become thought leaders in their particular fields. It requires patience, dedication, education, and strategy.

The majority of the thought leaders don't just have a command over their subject area – they feel passionate about it and keen to share their knowledge and expertise with others to benefit individuals, organizations, companies, or causes.

Utilizing social media platforms, content marketing, and other ways to increase your influence and authority are crucial for successful thought leadership. In simple terms, the definition of thought leadership is innovative thinking full of information and insight. It can even be motivating, which is why several thought leaders are invited to speak at graduations and conferences, have plenty of followers on social media, and become LinkedIn pros. They can be an incredibly popular breed of leaders as they're driven to expand people's minds, encouraging and even motivating them to think differently and deeply.

My Favorite Examples of Thought Leadership in 2022

Any individual who has experience, knowledge, and an opinion is a practitioner of thought leadership, perhaps without even realizing it. So, what does thought leadership in its actual sense look like? What does the term actually mean? It can show up in any industry and area, regardless of size. Here is a list of some of my favorite examples.

1. Brené Brown

First on my list of thought leaders is Brene Brown. She is currently a professor at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Houston. She has spent over twenty years studying vulnerability, empathy, courage, and shame. Brown first gained fame in 2010 when she gave her TEDxHouston Talk, "The Power of Vulnerability." Through her speech and her Netflix documentary, The Call to Courage, she spoke of the results of her research which was that a person’s vulnerability is imperative for personal growth and genuine human connection.

In the past couple of years, Brene has continued talking about prioritizing courage instead of comfort on digital media and print. I have personally enjoyed reading her books which include Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead, and Dare to Lead. I'm also an avid listener of her podcasts Dare to Lead and Unlocking Us.

2. Arianna Huffington

Best known as the founder of The Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington has established herself as one of the top personalities in the business thought leadership field. She served as the president and editor of the publication for over a decade.

Arianna then founded Thrive Global – an organization that aims to end the burnout and stress epidemic through science-based and sustainable solutions.

She is also a well-reputed author, having published 15 books. Moreover, she has built a robust presence on social media and presently has 3 million followers on Twitter.

3. Salim Ismail

The author of Exponential Organizations, Salim Ismail, is a highly-demanded tech strategist. As an acclaimed entrepreneur with connections to Google and Yahoo!, Salim works with the world's top-listed Fortune 500 businesses and governments on growth and innovation.

He was also the Founding Executive Director of Singularity University – a Silicon Valley think-tank providing educational programs and a business incubator. The Singularity Program was eye-opening for me. It gave me a new understanding of upcoming technology trends and where the world was heading. However, what I liked the most was Salim's human connection and touch. On the one hand, it is the role of technology, and on the other hand, it is how we work with technology as human beings.   

4. Amanda Nguyen

My next favorite example of thought leadership is Amanda Nguyen. A graduate of Harvard University, Nguyen is the founder of Rise. Rise is an advocacy group that offers global support for survivors of sexual violence. Being a survivor herself, she secured national attention in 2019 when she shed light on the broken mechanism through which rape cases are processed and passed the Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights unanimously.

Amanda has even worked at NASA and as a member of the State Department. Currently, as the full-time CEO of Rise, she continues to campaign for the legal protection of sexual assault survivors.

Because of her massive achievements, she received multiple awards. These include the titles of Forbes 30 Under 30, Heinz Laureate, Foreign Policy 100, Nelson Mandela Changemaker, Frederick Douglass 100, Marie Claire Young Woman of the Year, and Time 100 Next.

5. Seth Godin

Seth Godin is well-known for his intensive work in leadership and marketing and was inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame in 2013. He has written books, including bestsellers Tribes and Purple Cow – and has made his mark by helping individuals learn to market effectively.

Seth is known for his incredibly short blog posts. If you're looking for an easy way to stay updated with what he published, you can follow him on Twitter, as he only tweets his blog posts. All in all, Seth is one of the most intelligent men I've ever heard speak. He is an excellent motivator and encourager and one of the top names in thought leadership.

6. Malcolm Gladwell

The next on my list is Malcolm Gladwell. A writer and journalist hailing from Canada, Gladwell has authored numerous periodicals throughout his career. For instance, since 1996, he has worked as an author for The New Yorker.

7. Jay Shetty

The next individual on my list of the top thought leaders is a podcaster, coach, and speaker Jay Shetty. He was raised in the bustling city of London and started his career by working in the corporate sector before turning into a monk when he was twenty-one.

According to Jay, he opted for the service-focused and self-growth life of a monk. He would wake up at 4 am, meditate for hours, study timeless prudence, and serve people in nearby areas. However, he couldn't stay a monk forever. When he left, he applied his learnings to the actual world.

I have personally learned a lot from his book Think Like a Monk and his popular podcast titled "On Purpose." He has also been recognized for his massive work and efforts on both these channels. He has gained multiple accreditations that shed light on his work on mental and physical wellbeing, mental health, and establishing relationships.

However, in the past few years, Gladwell has been renowned for his various bestselling books. My top favorite books by Malcolm areWhat the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, and Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead?

Malcolm also co-founded Pushkin Industries. This is an audio content organization that publishes his podcasts, "Broken Record" and "Revisionist History." Due to his unique outlook on human behavior and popular culture, he has secured the American Sociological Association's Award for Excellence, along with honorary degrees conferred by the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo.

How to Become a Thought Leader

Establishing yourself as a dependable figure in any area requires plenty of hard work, dedication, and time. Thought leaders are continuously building their credibility and experience.

If you aim to become a thought leader, make sure to think about the leadership principles and the best practices of today's effective thought leaders as you create your own career in leadership.

1. Conduct Original Research

Original research allows you to establish a name for yourself within your niche or industry. You get to showcase your expertise by offering new insight into the field. You can identify key questions that will answer their questions.

2. Establish a POV on Important Industry Topics

Think about what makes a good leader in the ordinary sense. People turn to leaders for opinions and advice on common events. They depend on them for guidance. You should take a similar stance when working to build your position as a thought leader. You want your target audience to trust your opinion and come to you for advice. Thus, you have to present them with that important perspective and guidance.

Write articles that highlight your point of view on significant topics in your industry. Describe why you've reached a particular conclusion and what impacts your advice. You need to take the position of guidance. Thus, reference your credentials and the research and evidence you have that supports your opinion. Your point of view should clearly define your advice for readers and how they can use it for their benefit.

3. Maintain Consistency

To become a thought leader in your industry, it is crucial to be consistent. When you are starting out, maintain a steady flow of content creation, whether that's through a podcast or blogs. Identify industry blogs where you can contribute regularly or create a podcast and release episodes every week.

4. Stay Updated with the Latest Trends

The top thought leaders continually stay updated with what's happening in their industry, which is particularly important in rapidly-evolving industries such as tech. This allows them to discover and assess trends and patterns in the market and inspire strategies for accomplishing business goals.

Keeping up with the latest industry happenings can lead to unique insights that business leaders can use to benefit the organization.

1. Use Various Channels to Create a Robust Presence Across Platforms

These days, customers follow organizations on various platforms. They don't just read blogs. Consumers like to get updates in their inboxes, they want to view the latest information on their social media channels, and they turn to YouTube and other video platforms for visual representations.

Thought leaders have to be present where their customers are present. You need to have a comprehensive understanding of where your target audience engages online and then utilize that information to develop content that influences them across various platforms.

2. Contact Influencers

Influencers already have an established connection with their target audience. They usually have a massive number of followers who respect them and listen to their advice before making any decision. These influencers present new channels that you can use to position yourself and gain exposure.

Identify influencers in your niche to learn from them and establish relationships. Follow them on their social media platforms and engage with them. In doing so, offer meaningful insights and new perspectives instead of bland comments.

Wrapping Up

Thought leaders such as Brené Brown, Arianna Huffington, Salim Ismail, Amanda Nguyen, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell, and Jay Shetty are experts in their particular industry or topic.

Thought leadership isn't something you create overnight. It takes a lot more than a single social media post, networking event, or blog to establish yourself as a dependable figure in any industry. Insight, expertise, and a helpful perspective are elements that lead to thought leadership status.


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