Screen Time Alternatives for Adults: Do They Exist?

Man on laptop

Thanks to the proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices, it is now easier than ever to get absorbed in a screen-based activity. We are all guilty of watching Netflix while scrolling through social media or playing video games in our leisure time. Moreover, many people, especially office workers, spend most of their working hours in front of their laptops as well.

As we become more reliant on technology, how can we avoid or decrease screen time in a way that is both healthy and sustainable? Do screen time alternatives for adults really exist?  

It may seem impossible to imagine a life without screens and gadgets. However, you will be surprised by how many screen time alternatives for adults exist. All you have to do is find out what you are interested in and enjoy the most. It could be anything from reading a book or playing an instrument to going out for a hike.

In this blog, we will discuss some enjoyable screen time alternatives for adults. We will also discuss the benefits and importance of digital detox, along with tips and tricks to reduce your daily screen time.

What are the Best Screen Time Alternatives for Adults?

Adults, especially after a long day of work, often just want to relax on the sofa and watch TV. It's not always easy to come up with creative ways to replace that relaxing time. However, there are several pastime activities that do not rely on screens. Some of the best screen time alternatives for adults include reading, listening to audio content, going for a walk, gardening, solving puzzles, and more! 

Ultimately, it boils down to your personal interests and passion. Here are some exciting alternatives to screen time that you can try.

1. Lose Yourself in a Good Book

When was the last time you sat down with a warm drink and a good book? Consider reading a book in a park or cafe as an alternative to staring at a screen. Getting out of the house to catch up on your reading comes with additional benefits!

If you find yourself with some free time on your hands, you can also pick up a book to acquire a new skill or get a new point of view. Online book retailers provide a wide selection of low-priced books for those without access to a local bookstore.

2. Switch to Audio Content

As the demand for audio material grows, several podcasts and audiobooks are available for free or at a small cost. Audio material has the advantage of being easily consumed while performing other duties, such as cleaning or errands.

As a result, listening to podcasts or audiobooks during free time is a good way to relax while still accomplishing something worthwhile. It will also cut down on your screen time!

3. Get Physically Active

Getting your body moving and your blood pumping every once in a while is a good idea. Therefore, if the weather permits, put on your running shoes and go for a jog around your neighborhood or the park. If weightlifting is your preferred form of exercise, try to make it to the gym.

Working up a sweat is a fantastic method to release tension in muscles that have been tense all day at the desk and to spark new ideas.

4. Take Up Gardening

Gardening is a fantastic option for individuals looking to reduce their time spent in front of the screen. Bringing some plant life into your home is a relaxing way to spend your downtime.

Don't stress if you just have a little amount of room for a garden. Making a terrarium is another option. A terrarium is basically just a pot full of little plants that don't need much in the way of watering or care.

5. Clear Your Mind with Journaling

Writing in a diary or journal every day is more than a passing fad. You can keep track of your inner monologue in order to examine your emotions and ideas afterward or just to look back and appreciate how far you've come.

If you have some free time on your hands, why not grab a notebook and pen and start writing down your thoughts? If you struggle to put your ideas on paper, you may want to try recording a video or audio journal instead. You can use the phone's in-built voice recorder.

6. Enjoy the Outdoors

It can be challenging to resist the allure of technological devices when you are surrounded by them at home. If you are struggling to let go of your mobile phone, consider taking a break in the outdoors. Here's a list of some fun outdoor activities that you can consider.

• Get a bicycle and take it to the road on two wheels.

• To get your hands on some delicious, seasonal foods

• Gather your pals and head to the water park

• Get back to nature in a convenient urban hiking destination

• Meet up with a friend!

• Make a family camping trip by setting up a tent in the backyard.

7. Get Creative or Volunteer

Get out your pencils, crayons, paints, and brushes, and just let your thoughts wander. Don't worry too much about how the final result appears because not everyone is an artist. Instead, focus on the act of sketching or painting itself to quiet your mind and fill you with peace. It's not only fun but also therapeutic.

You can also help those in need by teaming up to volunteer. There are several volunteering opportunities available, especially in big cities. Choose a cause that is close to your heart.

8. Do a Jigsaw Puzzle & Crossword

Crossword and jigsaw puzzles may be a good alternative to screen time if you have a keen sense of observation and a lot of time on your hands. This simple activity can keep you busy for hours. The sense of achievement that comes with completing a puzzle is a bonus!  

What Are the Benefits of Digital Detox?

A woman sitting in front of a screen

A digital detox might help you determine if your constant connection to electronic devices is preventing you from reaching your full potential. The benefits of disconnecting from technology are numerous, ranging from increased productivity at work to stronger bonds with loved ones. It is also good for your physical and mental health.  

Constant electronic pings and pop-ups make it difficult to pay attention to what's going on in the real world. In the absence of digital distractions, you may discover that you pay closer attention to the world around you. You'll be able to focus on what you're doing more easily.

A digital detox can also help reduce stress. Having too much data to process might be overwhelming. For example, you may become distressed after watching hours of news. Once you stop watching the news and start doing something else, you will feel better instantly.

Another reason why digital detox is important is that it improves interactions with others. When you turn off your phone, you can focus on the people around you. Without the distraction of electronic gadgets, family dinners become an opportunity for conversation and bonding. When you can't text, you will be more inclined to call a pal and catch up.

How Can You Reduce Your Daily Screen Time?

A man in an office

For most of us, time in front of a screen is unavoidable. However, it is possible to reduce it significantly to ensure it does not leave adverse effects on your mental or physical health. From downloading screen time control apps to setting alarms and taking frequent breaks, there are several ways to limit screen time. 

Here are some ways to limit your exposure to those glowing pixels and yet maintain your health:

Log Your Screen Time

The best way to regain command of your screen time is to keep track of how much time you spend on it outside of work and school and then replace that time with real-world pursuits like going for a walk or a hike.

Many people stayed home from work, cut back on their travel, ate in more often, and increased their screen time throughout the epidemic. But now that you have more freedom, it may be time to evaluate how much time you spend online and establish some limitations.

Nowadays, smartphones feature built-in screen time tools that let you track your daily and weekly usage and make modifications. The goal is to help you limit the amount of time spent on social networking applications. Limits can be specified to alert the user when their allotted time has expired.

Prevent Video Overload

Looking at a camera for extended periods of time might cause eye strain and discomfort. Meeting or Zoom weariness can set in if you spend a lot of time participating in video conferences or other forms of virtual meetings.

It's important to take breaks every so often, so try to schedule them in between video conversations or reduce the amount of time you spend on them.

Use Technological Resources

Are you having trouble tearing yourself away from your screen? It may seem counterintuitive, but you can actually use technology to force you to unplug from time to time. Set alarms on your phone or calendar to remind you to take breaks.

Disable alerts from your various social networking and messaging apps to avoid being constantly interrupted. That way, you won't have to worry about answering your phone until you're ready to do so.

High-tech methods can be used to battle sedentary lifestyles. Wearable activity trackers, like Fitbits, tend to motivate their users to put down their gadgets and be more physically active just by virtue of their presence.

Follow the No-Electronics-In-the-Bedroom Rule

A backlit screen emits light that might disrupt sleep, so it's best to avoid using them in the hour before bedtime. Keep electronics, especially televisions, out of the bedroom.

Take Frequent Breaks

Make sure to give your eyes a rest from staring at a screen at least once every half an hour. Get up and move about a bit. Back and neck stretches may be done while seated to keep muscles from tightening.

It's a good idea to try spending some time each day working at a standing desk if you have the option. Standing desks are workstations that can be adjusted so that the user may stand while working. They are growing in popularity since they are beneficial to health.

If you spend a lot of time talking on the phone at work, it's recommended that you invest in a headset and take your calls while on the go.

Never Eat in Front of the TV

When seated on the couch watching television or playing video games, we tend to snack more frequently. To counteract this pattern, set and stick to specific mealtimes. Get rid of the junk food in the lounge.

The Bottom Line

Since almost everything these days is done digitally, we should all make an effort to limit our screen time. Unfortunately, most forms of modern entertainment require the use of a screen, such as viewing movies and using social media. Luckily, there are numerous screen time alternatives for adults that are not only fun but also healthy for your physical and mental well-being. 

It's time you give your screens a rest and lose yourself in one of the screen time alternatives for adults. Reduce your daily screen consumption to feel the positive change in your life for yourself!


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