My Morning Routine Journey (and What You Can Learn)

morning routine journey

You might have come across videos on YouTube such as "My uber productive 4 a.m. morning routine" or "Why I wake up at 5 a.m. every day and love it!" Even though these might seem drastic (and some of them actually are!), there are plenty of advantages of developing a morning routine that you can sustain.

I strongly think that a morning routine with a regular wakeup time, a healthy breakfast, and some exercise is an excellent place to start. Having a more intentional outlook on the day early instills self-confidence and allows me to spend a more productive rest of the day.

In this article, I talk about my morning routine journey that can perhaps help you start your morning right!

The Premise: Why Is a Morning Routine Important?

A healthy morning routine helps us set the tone for the day. It enables us to control our schedules instead of our schedule controlling us. As we start every day with a fresh mind, we can better focus on what's in front of us, how to prioritize our time, and ultimately, boost our productivity.

I would like to add that productivity isn't always about how much we can get done. Rather, I feel it refers to the level of attention and quality we give to tasks. Completing the day with ten partially-completed asks feels a lot different than fully completing five tasks and feeling proud of the quality of work you deliver.

Moreover, a solid and consistent morning routine gives us time to pray and practice intentional mindfulness, leading to feelings of greater peace as we move through our day. Feeling productive during the day leads to a more peaceful evening and, consequently, a better night's sleep and an energized morning the next day.

My Morning Routine Journey

In this section, I will shed light on my morning routine journey.

Maintain a Fixed Time

Consistency is at the crux of any routine. Therefore, I try to set a fixed bedtime and wake-up time and try to stick to them as much as I can. Doing this sets me up for a better and more productive day ahead and helps me sleep more restfully at night. This is because falling asleep and waking up at the same time sets my internal clock, which allows for better quality sleep.

I have also updated my buzzer alarm to a more melodious tune to shake off that lingering morning grogginess. According to research published in PLoS One, waking up to a melodic alarm, such as a rhythmic instrumental tune, pop song, or sounds of nature such as a birdsong – can help you wake up gently.

Thus, I strongly recommend you take some time to go through your alarm's ringtone options and discover your favorite melody. You will surely thank yourself in the morning.

Let the Sunlight Flow In

Natural light plays a strong role in my morning routine journey.

Facing the bright light of day as soon as I get up in the morning helps my body realize it is time to wake up. It makes me more alert before I have even reached the coffeepot.

I also sometimes try to step outside before starting my day. Since mornings are already so jam-packed, I open my blinds as soon as I get out of bed and take a few seconds to breathe in and enjoy the fresh air.

On overcast mornings, I switch on my overhead lights. You can also consider getting a light therapy box.

Make My Bed

Making your bed might sound like a chore. However, the truth is that it's a deceptively tiny and simple way that I use to make myself feel good. Doing this goes a long way in making my mind and space less cluttered. It also promotes good sleep hygiene (who doesn't like to crawl into a nicely made bed at the end of a long and tiring day?).

With a well-made bed, I find it easier to keep the rest of my room clean and tidy, which is always good for my mental health. You might not realize this, but this practice will surely serve as a guidepost for other good habits.

Put Off Checking My Phone

When I wake up, I'm in a relaxed state of mind, and I try to maintain that general feeling of calm for as long as I can. I feel it's better for my body and my reactive emotional systems to minimize how long I am experiencing stress in a day.

Each time we check our mobile phones – particularly after a long stretch of time away – we invite a flood of stimulation into our brain space. For such a small device, our phone carries a lot of potential stressors, such as your bank account balance, news, notifications, and messages that demand your immediate attention. And for a lot of us, once we check our phone, we are pretty much plugged in for the rest of the day. Why not delay checking your phone for just a while?

Keep in mind that reaching for your phone first thing in the morning is a sure way of derailing your entire morning routine.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Starting my day with a balanced and protein-packed breakfast doesn't just fill my empty stomach. It even energizes me and fuels me for the day ahead. A nutritious breakfast gives my morning a refreshing boost – particularly when I eat foods such as whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins such as plain yogurt or eggs.

While we are on the topic of breakfast, let me tell you how I like to keep myself hydrated. My breakfast sometimes includes coffee or black or green tea along with a glass of water. I generally try to take a few moments to savor my morning beverage rather than gulping it down.


Just a few minutes a day of this peaceful practice helps me beat stress.

I usually start meditation by sitting in a comfortable and relaxing corner in my room. I focus on my breath as it enters and exits my nose. When my mind starts wandering, I bring it back to my breathing.

If you're new to meditation, just remember it's normal to have your mind wander plenty of times!

Stretch My Body

Stretching my body in the morning helps ease tightness in my muscles and leaves me feeling more alert and limber rather than sluggish and tense.

Even though morning exercise might not feel quite as instinctive as that early morning stretch, it does offer plenty of benefits. An article published in the Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine revealed that physical activity could enhance blood flow throughout your body and brain, revitalizing you and improving cardiovascular health. 

If you can exercise, here are some tips that can help you get moving early in the morning:

·       Jog or walk for 20 minutes around your neighborhood.

·       Bike or walk to work or get off the bus or train one stop earlier.

·       Increase your dog's morning walk by a couple of blocks.

·       Try gardening to avail plenty of wellness and mood benefits.

·       Get your children moving with an early morning game of tag or stretching session.

Express Gratitude

According to research published in the Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, practicing gratitude can enhance empathy, reduce aggression, and decrease pain – which is an excellent way to start your day. You can express gratitude in the morning by waking up every morning to watch the sunrise, jotting down things you're grateful for in a journal, or adding a gratitude element into your meditation.

I personally have a gratitude whiteboard where I write three things I am grateful for. I don't wipe the board before going to sleep at night, so it is also one of the first things I see every morning. I have done it for several years, and I still love reminding myself of what I was thankful for the day before.

Get Done with a Few Chores

Chores aren't really exciting. However, taking care of some basic tasks in the morning helps me kickstart my day with the feeling of productivity – a feeling that follows me into the day and boosts my motivation to handle other essential responsibilities. When you make this into a habit, you will surely thank yourself later in the day.

Some things you can do include:

·       Clean your breakfast dishes.

·       Unload your dishwasher.

·       Toss in your laundry.

Make a To-Do List for the Day

There are several things we need to do daily, and some of them always seem to slip our minds.

Noting down important tasks – updating your project outline, visiting the dentist, and shopping for dinner – first thing in the morning allows me to keep track of everything I have to do at work or at home. Don't

It also serves an additional purpose – it allows me to prioritize your duties and gives me a clear idea of what tasks are better suited for tomorrow's to-do list. This helps to keep my workload manageable and minimizes feelings of overwhelm.

How to Create Your Morning Routine?

Here are some tips you can use to develop your ideal morning routine.

Stay Flexible

Let go of any expectations to create the perfect routine and perform it perfectly each morning. You aren't searching for perfection in this new habit, just intentional energy being invested towards developing a morning routine that works for you.

Staying flexible implies that you can let yourself adjust and adapt, identify what works well, and allow yourself to let go of what doesn't work well. Bear in mind that you're creating a morning routine to live more peacefully and productively, not so that you have to deal with even more stress.

Be Consistent

The most valuable habits are the ones that we can sustain. If the idea of following a morning routine is novel to you, don't panic. Practicing consistency is going to help your routine feel incredibly natural over time.

As you experience and witness the positive impact a healthy morning routine has on your day, you are going to find it encouraging to continue practicing that habit. It's going to feel less like something you have to do and turn into something you feel excited to do. If you miss a day, get back into it the very next day. I would like to reiterate that this isn't about working optimally but about giving yourself the chance to live your best life.

Take Control Over Technology

Despite some of our top efforts to not let technology take over, we often find that it gets in the way. In establishing your morning routine, don't try to give up technology altogether because that might not work! For instance, you most probably are using your smartphone to set your alarm.

What you should do instead is take back control over your authority. According to Craig Jarrow – a time management coach – let the technology work for you and use it accordingly. You determine how your devices are going to impact your morning routine.

Plan the Night Before

Even though we're talking about creating a healthy morning routine, it can be useful to initiate the process the night before. If there's something you can do to make your morning easier, make sure to finish them before bed. For instance, you can lay out your clothes for the next day, prep the food you'll have for breakfast, and pack your lunch ahead of time.

Wrapping Up

Starting your day with a healthy morning routine and the right eating habits helps me feel more productive and in control. An essential part of establishing and sustaining a morning routine is sleeping on time and getting ample rest. This way, I wake up energized and ready to go the next morning.


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